
Showing posts from April, 2020

Week 5 isolation

Getting use to staying in my apartment and I haven't been outside the apartment for the last three days. Also means that I haven't done any exercise either for that long. The building site has been quiet the whole weekend which has been great, I can enjoy my balcony when the weather allows. The planning application for the other development is going to the council on Monday, so that will no doubt get approved, the only question will be the number of floors. Work is frustrating, it's either full on or non existing. I have a meeting with my manager and director to try to design a template,so that will keep me busy for a while. The items I recently ordered are taking longer than normal to arrive, the demands on the postal service have ballooned and its impacting their ability to deliver.  I have taken the first steps to postpone my trip to the UK forJune, the airline has relaxed their conditions on cancelling their flights so I have asked my travel agent to arr...

Isolation 4th week

Another short working week with Easter Monday starting off the week. I did go out shopping on Easter Sunday to get pet food and some of my own food, it was very nice to get into the car and do something normal for a change. Been talking to my dad and aunt regularly, they are both getting frustrated with being confined to their homes. At least in their cases, they have large gardens so they can get outside and walk around. Started to video call my Dad more regularly but still Skype him on Sundays. I'm not sure how much work the rest of my team are doing but I don't get the impression that it's very much. I've revised the cash flow template and been writing emails for Fotos to send out to the CFOs of the entities. I've also been working on the process document for monitoring the entities contribution to the state's publications. Some of the restrictions in place don't make sense, so you are allowed to walk round a park but not sit down or play golf. I think th...

View from my balcony


Third Week in isolation

Short working week,although the days all seem very similar, the only real difference between a working day and a none working day is the time I get out of bed. Work was busier than it has been for a while, trying to complete a project before the Easter long weekend. I'm not visiting anyone this weekend and in fact we are not allowed to unless taking shopping or caregiving. Good Friday was quiet one because the building site closed down and looks like they are taking the whole weekend off, which is good for me. Had video chats with my father and sisters in the UK, they are stuck at home too because they are over 70 years old, they can't even go out for shopping. Not sure if I am allowed to get a haircut, if that is considered shopping for essentials,I think they are still allow to operate so I guess they must be classed as essential. The weather is very changeable at the moment, they are sunny periods and also heavy rain too.  My Sunday brunch friends are going to try a virtual ...

Second Week - Corona Virus 2020

The new routine is beginning to become the new norm. Sign on to work between 8:30 and 9:30, team Skype meeting at 10:30 and sign off at 12pm for lunch. Back on between 1 to 2 pm and then logging off just before 5pm. I did go for a walk this week when the weather was good, but haven't been up to going again. I have been out shopping, but don't hang around there long and only use by bag, no basket. Have ordered a new kettle from BigW, the current one is leaking, but strangely it's cold water that comes out not hot. The new kettle won't be here until next week (I didn't fancy going shopping to get one in Southland). Hopefully  the old one will last until the new one arrives. I'm speaking to my Dad more frequently, although still Skyping him on Sunday. Not sure whether to visit my aunt, she sounds to be dealing with the isolation well and I don't want to potentially pass on the virus unknowingly.