

 My life is frustrating at the moment.  Work is frustrating with some many tasks and not enough time to do the tasks I want to do rather then those that others need to get done. Social life is frustrating as I find little to interest or motivate me, and even though there are things I could or even should be doing, they are of little interest to me. I want to change but I can't be motivated to do anything about it, so even though I find work and life generally frustrating, it's not enough to prompt me to make the effort to change anything. I think when you've been used to a certain level of pain for a along time, you don't really notice it any longer. Maybe something will happen that will push me to make a change, I don't think I am in a good place at the moment. I should be living well, but that doesn't stop me from worrying about it all being taken away. This isn't a ply for help, I just thought it would help for me to write it down and I can come back to t...

Update for 2023

Since my last blog entry, Iā€™ve been through a strange Christmas, took a trip to World Pride in Sydney and travelled over the ditch to the land of the long white cloud. This was the first Christmas with none of my parentā€™s generation still alive, so my usual trip to see my elderly aunt or call home to talk to my father did not happen. I did have a family Christmas and spent the day with my cousin and some of her family, but I avoided the traditional get-together held on Boxing Day (the day after Christmas) as it was going to be a very occasion with two extended families coming together. I spent that day with my best friend instead. In February, Sydney held events to mark World Pride and I went up there to meet up with one of my friends, who was there with some of his friends. There were some particularly highlights, namely the performances at the opening concert by Shelden Riley, Casey Donovan, Jessica Mauboy and the Minogue sisters. I also enjoyed watching the Mardi Gras parade, even t...


 It's been a while since I last posted and in that time the last of my parents generation in my family has passed away. I don't feel like I have mourned their passing yet and it did take me a while to mourn the passing of my parents so I expect this time it will be the same. I'm more involved in looking after the affairs of their estate and together with my cousin we will need to deal with their estate. I think there are other changes come soon too, as I have started to think about moving out of my apartment and putting it on the market, but that depends on how much the real estate people think that I will be able to get for it. I have also been playing with the idea of changing my car, but the cars that I am interested in have long waiting lists, up to 12 months in some cases. Usually I would be looking forward to going away for my birthday, but I have nothing planned and on this occasion there is no public holiday around my birthday (instead it is the weekend before). The...

Back to reality

Been back a couple of weeks now and the trip is just a memory. Returned too work and although the plan was to go in three days a week, so far I've only managed one due to complications with the effects of my food intolerances. Been to see my elderly aunt, who's in residential care and the last visit she was more distressed than usual, from what appears to be all to familiar symptoms to my food intolerances.  Went to check on her home and it was all okay. It was a lot of driving in one day, and is probably why I feel tied the following day. One of my friends has Covid-19 at the moment and he's not feeling very well at all, but he only has to isolate for seven days. It's one of the last restrictions in place together with face masks on public transport. 

Bath trip continues

Had a bad night so stayed in and around the house. Did some shopping and had lunch with Graham and Peter.

Bath trip
